ASLASD President Tim Smith and member Michelle Landis are quoted in an article featured in the Union Tribune discussing if the drought is killing the lawn. Read the beginning of the article below and click here for the full version which includes the quotes.

In our sprinkler-happy pre-drought past, the green lawn was a living symbol of all that was good and enviable about Southern California suburban living. Gamboling kids. Frisbee-catching dogs. Al fresco everything.

So much for that. With the state’s mandated water-use reductions taking effect on Monday, our lawns have become jungles of worry. Keep them green and face scary water bills and judgy neighbors. Replace them with drought-friendly landscaping and face scary nursery bills and frowny children. Let them die and prepare for declining curb appeal and increasing homeowner anxiety.

Lawns — can’t live with them, can’t figure out what to do without them.

Read the rest of the article here: